Introduction of Godot 3 part 11 - introduce the particles system and make a shooter game part 1
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Good good study, Day day up! Stay young and simple, and you will be navie! So, give me some color to see see now!
Introduction of Godot Series | 50 Android Projects in 100 Days
Introduction of Godot 3 part 11 - introduce the particles system and make a shooter game part 1
Make a python script to duplicate blog html files for uploading to server
Introduction of Godot 3 part 10 - introduce some node types and make a new game part 3
Introduction of Godot 3 part 10 - introduce some node types and make a new game part 2
Introduction of Godot 3 part 10 - introduce some node types and make a new game part 1
TextClassification – Part 3
TextClassification – Part 2
Introduction of Godot 3 part 9 - add audio effects and UI elements
Introduction of Godot 3 part 8 - add collectable elements and sub-scenes
TextClassification – Part 1
Share a cute Hexo blog plugin - the cloud calendar
Introduction of Godot 3 part 7 - add collision and move player in map